
A Kataang Fanfiction-Chapter17

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"Is that everything you need?" Aang asked, hauling Katara's last bag into Appa's saddle.

She nodded glumly, pulling the wool blanket closer to her shivering body.

Sokka stood next to his younger sister. "So," he said, "how long are you guys going away for?"

Katara shrugged. "We're not sure. Azula is extremely sporatic; I guess it depends on her methods of attack or retreat . . ." grinning, the clever waterbender hugged her brother fiercely. "Why are you asking? You gonna miss your dear younger sister?"

"Nah," he mussed her hair, avoiding her eyes in embarrassment, "I'm just wondering so that I'll know how much time I'm allotted to party."

Aang cleared his throat from atop Appa's head. Leaping from the bison, he neatly landed next to Katara. "We really don't know how long we'll be gone," he said seriously, "it could be anywhere from one month to one year, maybe longer."

"Sweet!" Toph piped up from behind, "No more oogie vibes!"

Katara scowled at the young earthbender. "Just wait 'till you get a boyfriend, Toph," she jabbed, folding her arms.

"Yeah, yeah . . ." Toph droned, wagging her fingers nonchalently, "like that day will ever come."

A strange emotion flickered over Sokka's face. Katara noticed right away. "I don't know, Toph," she teasingly countered, "you may be surprised."

"Whatever you say, Sugar Queen."

Aang placed a hand on Katara's shoulder. "Shall we?" he murmured, motioning toward Appa.

She nodded. Pulling the scratchy blanket closer to her trembling frame, she looked over her shoulder and added, "Oh, and Sokka, make sure you keep an eye on Shen. He saved me. That is a debt that I won't be able to repay for some time . . . take my place."

"Take the place of the best healer I know?" Sokka questioned, growing a bit paler. "Greeeaaatt . . ."

The gaang awkwardly stood, prolonging the moment they knew couldn't be avoided. For the first time in all of their years together, they were splitting up for more than a week.

"Well . . . I guess we should say goodbye now?" Sokka piped up again, a little unsure. "This is the first time we've really gone our separate ways . . ."

Aang stepped forward, grasping Sokka's shoulder. "It won't be for long."

Sokka stared at Aang. "You know," he mumbled hesitantly, "I really am proud to call you my brother, Aang." He glanced at Katara. "And I know that you will protect her with your life. If you don't, I'll chop your head off with your glider."

"I don't think that's possible, Sokka."

"Exactly, Arrow Brain."

Aang grinned. "Thanks, Sokka."

Katara smiled softly as the two most important men in her life gave each other a firm embrace. Her grin broadened when she saw Sokka step back, coughing gruffly.

"Toph," she called, extending her arms, "I know you don't care for affection, but you seriously need to give me a real hug."

She watched Toph hesitate, and was taken completely aback when the stubborn, hard-headed teenager walked straight into her outstretched arms.

"I know this is going to sound way cheesy," Toph mumbled, "but . . . You are honestly closer to me than my mom ever was . . . Thank you, Katara."

Katara held back the moisture in her eyes as Toph retreated, pausing only to give Aang a hardy slug on his shoulder. "Take care of her, Twinkletoes," She said sternly, jabbing a finger to his chest.

"I'll miss you too," he muttered, rubbing the spot she had jabbed. "Good luck with your metalbending school!"

Suddenly, a collection of chitters and frantic flapping drew the groups attention to a certain flying lemur, who attacked Aang's bald head in a tight lemur-hug.

Aang grinned, wincing a bit when the enthusiastic lemur stepped on the spot that Katara had recently healed. "Hey, Momo," he said, pulling him down, "I think you need to stay."

Katara leaned on Aang's shoulder, scratching behind Momo's ears.

"Why don't you just take him?" Sokka asked. "He'll be depressed without Appa."

"We don't want to leave you completely alone," Katara teased. "He will keep you company."

Aang cleared his throat. "Guys . . . I really hate to be the fun killer, but we really need to go . . . it's a two day flight."

Katara nodded. "Yeah . . ."

The gaang stood in silence again, unsure of what to do. They stared off into separate distances, all too aware that they could be away from each other for as long as a year.

After a few unbearable moments of impending separation anxiety, Aang finally moved. He placed his arm around Katara's waist, tugging her back towards Appa. She obligingly followed, pointlessly wishing that she would not cry. She secured her arm around Aang's neck as he picked her up, holding on tightly when he sprung into Appa's saddle. He gently placed her against the smooth siding, brushing the hair from her eyes. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, still staring at her brother and Toph.

"It won't be long," he promised, swiftly kissing her hand.

"No," she choked, glancing away to gaze into his eyes. "I have a feeling it's going to be a very long time." Seizing a fistful of robes as they took off into the sky, she dropped her heavy head into his chest and began to sob.

* * * *

"You had to take the wrong turn, didn't you?" Katara droned, every ounce of energy gone from crying so hard.

"I don't know!" Aang cried, exasperated. Glancing down at the slightly crumpled map, he scratched his head. "I thought that there would be . . . I don't know . . . A landmark near this area?"

Katara rolled her eyes. "Babe, just admit it—"

"Babe?" Aang asked, raising his eyebrows.

Katara couldn't help but grin. "Yes, babe. Anyways, just admit that we're lost."

He threw his hands up. "Yes, we are lost. Happy now?"

"Yessir," she asserted, stretching her good arm over her shoulder. Cinching her sling tighter about her broken arm, she yawned. "If you need me, I'll be asleep. You can join me if you want . . . we could easily find our way tomorrow."

"I can figure this out," Aang insisted, shaking the map.

"Yeah, yeah . . ." Katara yawned again. "I'll be in the saddle . . ." grumbling a bit, she disappeared under the lip of the saddle. "Men and their maps," she sighed, carefully dropping her broken body into the wide mouth of the sleeping bag. Gathering the furry material in a snug cacoon, she shivered when the icy wind blew through the bag.

"It's going to be a cold night," she muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. Wistfully yearning for Aang's warmth, she snuggled deeper into the sleeping bag. "Men and their stupid maps . . ."

Back on the ground, Aang crumpled said map and moodily tossed it into the fire. Sighing, he sat himself down on a large, flat rock. He stared into the flickering arms emotionlessly, feeling empty and angry.

A wicked breeze chilled him to the bone, drawing to his attention how frigid the weather was becoming. However, he continued to ignore it and sat listlessly for several more moments, intrigued by the hauntingly beautiful flames. By then, he was shivering fiercely at the harsh winds that battered his goosefleshed skin.

He was just beginning to wonder about Katara when he heard her small voice issuing from the depths of her sleeping bag. "Aang?"

"Yes, Katara?"

". . . I'm freezing."

Aang's cold demeanor instantly vanished. No matter how frustrated he ever was, he melted on the spot when Katara was in need. Immediately willing to answer her call, he neatly backflipped into the saddle. Katara was buried so deep into her bag that she looked like a large marshmallow. However, Aang could hear her teeth chattering. He grinned, kneeling next to her.

"Hold still," he said, pulling the bag closer to her. Then, he placed his hands over his mouth. Breathing out, flames flickered to life between his fingers. His hands instantly grew hot. Not waiting a second more, he murmured, "Give me your hands."

Katara did so, shuffling around for a moment to find the exit of her sleeping bag. When she did, Aang quickly seized them in his, transmitting the heat to her icy fingers. She let out a groan of relief.

"That feels fabulous," she said.

"Doesn't this feel like old times?" Aang asked her, looking around.

Katara grinned. She opened her mouth to speak, but it abrupty came out as a strangled scream.

Aang nearly jumped out of his skin and almost tumbled off of Appa as Katara hurled herself at him, fighting tooth and nail to shove him in front of her.

"What is it?!" he asked, utterly bewildered.

"Sp-sp-p-s-sp-," Katara spluttered, still attempting to push him forward. "Sp-sp-pider!" she stuttered, pointing.

Aang followed her shaky finger, trying to spot anything with eight legs. Suddenly, a small, furry creature darted from a shadowed corner of the saddle, stopping in the full moonlight. Aang laughed.

"Katara, it's tiny!"

"K-k-kill it!" she moaned, pushing his head.

He grew serious. "Katara," he said, "you know I wouldn't. All life is sacred." Extending his arm, he allowed the small creature to crawl into his palm. Katara instantly shrunk back, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Hey, little guy," Aang crooned, allowing it to creep about the extent of his hand. "You sure scared Katara." He inclined his head toward the shivering sleeping bag. "I don't get why . . . she is the highest waterbending master in the south pole, after all.

Katara's tongue poked out from the dark opening.

Aang laughed, standing up. Walking down Appa's tail, he edged the small spider to the closest tree, leaving it to scuttle up the chilly bark. He brushed his hands off, proud of this small act. Strolling back to the saddle, he chaffed his arms as a particularly biting wind caused goose bumps to erupt all over his flesh. He smirked when he saw the bag in the corner. Grunting, he picked the whole thing up like a sack of potatoes. Katara's muffled yell emanated from somewhere in its depths, and Aang chuckled. He jumped from Appa, making sure that their landing was as soft as possible, and carefully dropped her to the stone ground.

"What are you doing?" Katara asked, her head finally poking from the dark, fur-lined sleeping bag.

He only flashed the smile he reserved specially for her. Barely moving his hands and feet, a medium sized earth tent rose up over their heads, concealing them and the fire. Instantly, the absence of the wind was enough to create a much warmer atmosphere.

"Ahhh . . ." Katara sighed, relaxing. "Much better."

"I know," he agreed, sitting across from her. He stared into the flames that separated them, watching the pictures flicker in and out of the orange glow.

"Why are you over there?" Katara demanded, pouting at him. "I would totally hop over there if I could, but I'm rather indisposed at the moment," she waved her wrapped arm.

Aang smiled, but it didn't touch his eyes. "I'm just thinking . . ." he murmured.

"About what?" Katara prodded.

He stared blankly. "I don't know . . . stuff."

"What 'stuff?'" she ventured further.

He shifted his gaze to the top of his knees, choosing to ignore her jibes.

Katara frowned, her mouth just barely turning downward. "Aang," she said, adopting a serious tone, "We. Are. Married. You need to share your thoughts with me. That is what I'm here for, and I'm not going to stop bothering you until you tell me what is bothering you. Now come over here and tell me what's wrong."

Aang was mildly surprised by her outburst. He didn't realize he had been making her feel that way. He hesitated, reluctant to tell her exactly what was haunting his black thoughts. However, he grudgingly stood. Pacing around the fire, he resolutely plopped down next to her, quickly pulling his knees to his chest like he did when he was a child.

Katara rolled her eyes. Scootching along the lumpy ground, she used her bag-hands to pry his arms from his legs and his legs from his chest. Grunting in satisfaction, she carefully laid her head in his lap, getting comfortable. She knew he couldn't snub her for long . . . he loved her too much.

She was right, of course. Aang stared down at Katara's smooth features, heart skipping a few beats. Lips twitching, he rubbed her back and relaxed against the cold stone wall. "Why can't I stay frustrated when you're around me?" he muttered, tugging her shortened hair.

"Our love for each other is too great," she said dramatically, tragically mouthing her words.

"Oh, stop," Aang chuckled. "I'm serious. It's somewhat hard to express . . . you're my everything. How could I ever be angry around the very thing my life revolves around?" he smoothed back her hair. "Especially when that woman is the one who took the place of the love of my entire nation . . ."

Katara's heart skipped as well. "Thanks, Aang . . . you mean everything to me, too." She snuggled her head deeper into his lap. "Will you tell me what's bothering you now?" her blue eyes could have burned a hole through Aang's soul.

"I don't know . . ." he mumbled. "I know we talked about it, but I just . . ."

"Keep going," she nudged.

"I feel like I'm too dangerous for you," Aang burst out.

She scowled at him. "No, Aang, you most certainly are not."

"Maybe I am!" he countered, more fiercely than he had intended. He instantly regretted it when he saw the hurt flicker in her eyes. Against his will, stinging tears blurred his vision. "I . . . I just . . ." he choked out, grasping his face in his hands. "I did this to you!!" he croaked, touching the side of her sleeping bag where her broken arm was. "Being the Avatar, I attract a lot of attention, including the bad attention. You always become a target, and I hate myself for that!" He violently threw the side of his fist to the ground, and large cracks scuttled at the pressure.

Katara paused, carefully assessing the situation. Barely audible, she said, "Can I show you something, Aang?"

He grunted.

"Ok . . ." she sighed. "I'm going to need you to take this tent down, just for a moment."

He moodily swung his hand, instantly pulling the stone walls down.

Katara cringed when the frigid wind sliced through her sleeping bag. "Help me sit up . . ." she muttered, attempting to do it herself. His large hand gently gave her a small push, sitting her upright.

"Thanks," she said. Shifting around a bit, she opened the mouth of the bag wide. "Now, come in here."

Aang looked taken aback. "Why?"

"I'll tell you why when you're in," she said.

He blushed a bit. However, looking at the gaping entrance, he realized that three people could easily fit in it. Slightly self conscious, he gradually stood, staring at Katara incredulously. She nodded in encouragement. Wrapping his arms around his torso and shivering, he carefully stepped into the sleeping bag.

Katara smiled at him as he settled down, and almost immediately slipped her hand into his.

"Ok," he muttered, "what do you want to show me?"

Katara snuggled into his side. "I just did," she sighed.

He cast a confused glance at the top of her head. "What?"

"Aang," she said, "it's freezing here, right?"

"Yeah," he said, still confused.

"Well," she murmured, "Are you still cold?"

He thought for a moment, realizing that he was actually very warm. "No," he mumbled.

"Neither am I," she explained. "See? We really rely on one another. Alone, we would be freezing. But we are together, and we are able to help each other stay comfortable."

"That doesn't explain the whole dangerous thing," Aang said sullenly.

"Yes, it does," Katara shot, a little frustrated at his stinginess. "I could die from the cold just as easily as dying by Azula's hand. Don't you see? I need you just as much as you need me, and we are meant to be together. Together, we are unstoppable. We protect each other, keep each other warm." She pulled his arm around her shoulders.

Aang sighed. Being slightly rough, he took his arm from around her. However, when she looked at him with that hurt expression in her eyes, he just as roughly kissed her full-on.

When they broke apart, Katara, slightly breathless, asked, "What was that for?"

Aang touched her face, the storm in his eyes gone. "For being you."


The delicious smell of fresh pine gradually began to invade Katara's dreams. They drifted away into a forgotten fog as she began to fade into consciousness. She sighed, rueing the fact that she was about to wake up. However, the light of the sun was burning at her eyelids. She groaned, rolling her head from one side to the other, smiling when she felt Aang's arm just under her neck. Closing her eyes tight, she said, "Are you awake?"

"No," he mumbled, blowing out a long yawn.

"Sorry," she apologized, patting his face blindly.

"It's fine," he grunted. "We need to get going anyways."

They took a moment to fully wake, allowing their eyes to adjust and stretching their legs. Finally, Katara struggled to sit up. Aang pushed her back, propping her up, and sat up as well. Pulling his arms over his head, he murmured, "I haven't been this stiff for a very long time."

"I know," Katara agreed, "I slept like a rock, though."

"Yes, you did," he teased. "My arm is very much asleep."

"I'm sure it is," she told him, swiftly pressing her lips against his. "Let's go. I'm dying to see our house!"

Aang's eyes brightened. "Me, too!" squirming, he pulled himself out of the sleeping bag.

"Do you have sleeping problems?" Katara abruptly asked, braiding her hair with nimble fingers.
Aang gave her a funny look. "No, why?"

She tied a ribbon around the end of her hair. "Because you were talking nonstop lastnight. You were out like a light as soon as your head hit the saddle, but you were mumbling over and over again. Are you having nightmares?"

"Not that I remember," he said, shrugging. "What did I say?"

Katara shrugged. "It just sounded like nonsense to me."

"Oh, well," He waved his hand. "Let's go." Lightly pecking her on the cheek, he stood, stepped out of the saddle, and slid down to Appa's head. Crossing his legs, he rubbed the bison's giant arrow. "Ready to fly, buddy?" he called. Appa grunted, raising his vast tail.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Katara yelled, stumbling to her feet. Almost falling from the saddle as she squirmed out of the sleeping bag, she hopped to the edge. "Help?" she asked, extending her arms toward Aang. He smiled at her, shaking his head in silent laughter.

"You're really cute when you're helpless," he told her, sweeping her up. Sitting her next to him, he sat as well. "I'm glad that I get to look after you," he added, taking her hand and the reins at the same time.

"I won't be helpless for much longer," she pointed out, tapping the splint on her leg. "This is pretty much healed. I think it only needs one more week, and that's the maximum." She cast a sad glance at her arm. "Now, this one here . . . this is probably going to take two more weeks."

"It's not re-broken?" Aang asked, frowning.

"Nah," Katara said, shrugging. "It was just excruciating when Azula tied it up like I was some sort of extortionist. I'll be fine soon."

"I hope so," he whispered. "I'm excited to see you fighting like your old self again."

"That makes two of us," she muttered, clinging to his arm as Appa took off.


"I'm so excited!" Katara chattered, bouncing up and down in pure anticipation.

"Relax," Aang grinned, placing a hand on her leg. "We're almost there."

Appa bellowed in consent.

Katara's sharp eyes spotted the landmark glacier. "Oh my goodness!" she squealed, trying to point with her bad arm, "we're so close! I'm so excited!"

"Me, too," Aang agreed.

They fell silent, grasping each other's hands for comfort. A giddy smile adorned Katara's face, and she felt ready to explode. Aang was more reserved with his enthusiasm, but he was just as excited as Katara.

Finally, they rounded an iceberg, and the Southern Water Tribe loomed into view. The magnificent wall of ice that now surrounded the city gleamed in the afternoon sun. The water tribe insignia stood bright and true, boasting of the new city's clear definement.

Aang whistled. "It just gets better and better, doesn't' it?"

"Yeah . . ." Katara breathed, a giddy smile stretching along her lips.

They gazed over Appa's head at the city, awed at its historic transformation. They watched it rush by as Appa stroked his tail, blasting them forward in a burst of streaming air.

People on the ground instantly began to recognize the bison. Many screamed in delight, causing a domino effect as the people began to point and hop up and down. A mighty cheer rose up from the many roads, strong enough for them to hear.

"Are you ready?" Aang asked.


"Come on!" she pleaded, grasping out in front of herself blindly. "Lemme see!"

"Not yet!" Aang said, nodding towards the huge crowd gathered behind them. Khana and Hakoda waved back. Pakku, who was much more friendly and enthusiastic since he wed Khana, gave him the thumbs up.

Aang grinned at his relatives. Turning around again, he whispered in her ear, "Okay . . . you may look . . . now," and released her head.

Katara blinked, squinting out the blinding sunlight that reflected from the snow. When her eyes adjusted and her home came into view, her jaw almost visibly hit the ground. Her hand partially covered her mouth, and a wave of dizziness swooped over her. Stunned beyond belief, she leaned toward Aang, her back pressing against his chest.

Aang wrapped his arms around her neck. "Pretty amazing, huh?"

She nodded dumbly.

"This is going to be a new beginning, Katara," he whispered in her ear. "This is home now. For us, it always has been."

Katara turned, flinging her arm around his neck. Pulling him close amongst hearty applause, she kissed him almost reverently. Smiling against his lips, she murmured, "It's amazing, Aang . . . you have no idea how much I love you."

Can it be . . . .? Double check your inbox, it is! I finally posted it!!! Gosh, I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry :( I know I took forever, I don't even know what happened . . . Ugh it was homework and then it was travel and then it was a really bad case of "I am sick of writing this story why can't it be over??" I really tried to get this posted so many times, I'm just never really online anymore . . . Gosh i really hope that I get a laptop for christmas, cuz that way I won't have to wait anymore!! But seriously, I'm sorry for the wait.

Anyways, on to the chapter analysis. i know that you are probably sick of having Aang complain about how dangerous he is to Katara, but to me it is really important to their relationship. I would hate myself if my true love was constantly put in death's way because I was an important person. Ugh, I dont' know. I'm kind of sick of making Katara the whole consoling person and all that. It kind of sucks cuz you guys waiting so long for a boring chapter like this :D

Ok, I know this chapter is not the greatest, and there are MANY flaws with it, I have a huge surprise for you for the next chapter . . . I might just say it!! AHH!! I can't hold it in . . . Ok, I'll tell you.....
In the next chapter, Katara tells Aang that she is . . . . wait for it . . . PREGNANT!! Ha I know it's not much of a surprise, but a whole lot goes into the next chapter, I can't even begin to comprehend . . . yeah. But, next chapter flies through some time too . . . .and the return of an old foe!! and I have all the chapters planned out now . . . there will be approximitely 4 chapters left. Actually, 3 chapters and an epilogue.

By the way, NOTHING HAPPENED this night!! I put it in that they fell asleep right away, nothing happened!! Heh, my molly-mormon side is kicking in . . . lulz :D
ENJOY!! BTW, wow, that is the longest overview thing I have ever written . . . heh


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